
Contents of this page

  • Sermons preached on Radio Broadcast (1935-1937) “The Young People’s Church of the Air”
  • Sermons preached on the Mutual Broadcasting Network (1942-1949) “Young People’s Church of the Air”
  • Sermons published in Young People Today Magazine (1935-1940)
  • Other Unprinted Sermons

Note: Click any image in individual sermons to enlarge.

Sermons preached on Radio Broadcast
“The Young People’s Church of the Air”

Rev. Percy Crawford, M.A.
Sunday, 5:00-6:00 p.m., 1935-37
On some or all of the following stations:

WIP, Philadelphia PA;
WMCA, New York City;
WCBM, Baltimore MD;
WOL, Washington DC;
WMEX, Boston MA;
WPRO, Providence RI;
WLNH, Laconia NH.

Thou Shalt be Saved If - sample pamphlet cover

October 1935

November 1935

December 1935

January 1936

February 1936

March 1936

April 1936

May 1936

October 1936

November 1936

December 1936

January 1937

Sermons preached on the Mutual Network (1942-1949)
“Young People’s Church of the Air”

Rev. Percy Crawford, D.D.


Preached over 250 stations on the Mutual Network,
Sundays, 4:30-5:00 p.m. EST


Preached over 275 stations on the Mutual Network,
Sundays, 9:00 a.m. EST

YPT-2                 YPT-1

Sermons published in Young People Today Magazine (1935-1940)

“Signs of the Times”
January 1935, p. 5-6 (Radio sermon preached Dec 16, 1934)

“Can a Person Dance and Be a Christian?”
July & August 1936,   p. 6, 17; p. 4, 18

“The Coronation”
August 1937, p. 16-17

“The Lamb of God”
October 1937, p.15-16
(Radio sermon preached Jan 10, 1937)

May 1938, p.5,18

“What the Bible Says will Happen at the End of the World”
October 1938, p.8,17 (Radio sermon preached Nov 6, 1938)

“Some Reasons Why I Believe in a Real Hell of Fire and Brimstone”
April 1939, p.5,17

“Some Delicate Questions Regarding Hell”
June 1939, p.6-7“The Mystery of the Gospel”
November 1939, p.3,17
(reprinted in Mountaintop Messages: Thirty inspiring messages delivered at the Pinebrook Bible Conference. Percy B. Crawford, ed., Philadelphia: Pinebrook Book Club, 1939, 216-221.)Why I Believe in a Literal Hell
March 1940, p.3-4

“Where Hell Is”
April 1940, p.5,18

1938, (in Percy B. Crawford, ed.Highlights of Pinebrook: Twenty-Four Inspiring Messages Delivered at the Pinebrook Bible Conference. Philadelphia: Pinebrook Book Club, 1938, 249-255.)


Other Unprinted Sermons

“A Gift to You”
ca. 1933. copy of original typed sermon, signed “Percy Crawford, 1528 Pine St., Phila. PA”

“Did the University Make Me An Atheist?”
ca. 1933. copy of original typed sermon, signed “Percy Crawford, 1528 Pine St., Phila. PA”

“Idols Torn Down”
May 5, 1940. original typed copy, corner torn, added date, reused 4.23.50

“Percy Crawford – Sermon of Sunday, January 11, 1948”
January 11, 1948. Untitled. Includes Amy Wilson Carmichael’s “Daisy Chains”